Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Almost all of common household cleaners are full of harmful toxins. Many of the ingredients have been linked to asthma and cancer, for example Frebreeze has formaldehyde in it which is a known toxin that is highly harmful for humans and pets. The Mr.Clean Magic Eraser is probably the worst for having the largest amount of harmful toxins in it, and should never be used without gloves and a mask, or at all! Alternatives to these would be vinegar and baking soda which are natural cleaners and botanicals cleaners (available at www.myleftbreast.com). 

1 comment:

Fucque Ewe said...

I think formaldehyde is known carcinogen, and what kills me is when you see the commercials for the Mr. clean magic erasers, and every family member is huffing the stuff off the counter that's just been wiped down. I think it says do not use near children on the box but i might be wrong.

anyways, good blog